The Celtic Christian Church

Bishop Cait Finnegan-Grenier
Hi, I'm Cait Finnegan! I was born in New York City in 1951 to an Irish family who passed to me the ancient love of music and poetry. I learned of my heritage at the knee of my beloved grandmother, Nellie Farrell, who sang to me, in the sean nos, of Irish history, of Faith in God, and the importance of family and love. Faith is a joy, and living it in the CCC is a profound joy in my life. To whom much is given much will be required! I invite you to share my world, and get to know the Celtic Christian Church and its members.
I'm an ordained priest in the Celtic Christian Church . I'm a member of the Order of the Merciful Christ, a Celtic religious order dedicated to prayer and the corporeal and spiritual works of Mercy.
My husband Joe+ and I married in 1980, and we have one adult daughter who is the blessing upon our love. We lived in community in PA as part of St. Ciaran's House of Prayer since 1986.
Our Ministries: Joe+ and I have worked in Good Tidings Ministry since 1983. Although this ministry deals with the painful matter of sexual abuse by priests and religious, I must say it has touched my life profoundly, and confirmed my convictions that the Church needs prayerful, spiritual priests and religious who are following their call to serve Christ willingly, and not feeling trapped--or entitled within priesthood or religious life This has led me more deeply into a ministry of spiritual direction, and particularly with victims of sexual abuse, as well as with priests and religious, and together, Joe+ and I expanded this ministry to spiritual direction and guidance to those populations (sexually abused by clergy, and priests transitioning from clerical life) who are wounded, ignored or shunned by the Church. It is our mission to share the Good Tidings of God's presence and Love in their lives.
I have many personal interests and one is music! I love music and especially the sean nos or traditional music of the Gaels. Many years ago a friend of mine strongly suggested I start writing music about what I love. WOW! I seemed to start "spewing green stuff" as Irish and Celtic Christian music flowed from the heart, from dreams, from pain, from hope and from Faith. Over the years I've pulled all the songs and hymns together into an anthology called: "Ancient Ghosts and Green Heart Songs" as a collection of poems and songs in the Irish tradition telling the tales of family and friends, of history, and of my Faith in Christ. (some of Mother Cait's recordings) I use the guitar, piano, tin whistle, and bodhran to give some fullness to the songs, but mostly I learned to play them as "security blankets" to hold when I sing. I'm currently building this site for religious and ethnic songs--just for the fun of it!
In addition to music, I have several other interests, including Christian Church history, and producing live internet radio shows, personal interviews, and recording spirituality discussions--coming soon on our Church website!
I love liturgy and ritual, gardening, genealogy, Irish history, reading, and cooking. I've been studying Irish for so long I should be fluent, but I'm not--more's the pity. I do love learning and practicing it. I try to pray in Irish as much as I can, because I know God doesn't mind if I make mistakes and God knows what I'm trying to express! My animals are also available daily for me to practice on and they seem to know what I'm saying as well!
ANIMALS AS CONDUITS OF GOD'S GRACE I'm an animal lover, oh yes! Over the past 43 years, our home has been and remains home to many rescued critters who are part of the family. We created St. Ciaran's Critter Connection to support the local animal rescue work.
WEDDINGS! After 40 years with the love of my life, I very much enjoy working with couples in planning their weddings, and helping them make THEIR DAY theirs! Sharing God's Love rather than shoving it down the throat of others! If you'd like to talk about your wedding, shoot me an e-mail.
If you'd like to talk and get to know more about The Celtic Christian Church, you can browse this website and contact any of our clergy, or contact me directly at BishopCaitFinnegan@gmail.com.
Conversations with Bishop Cait
Sometime Blogs:
Abuse By Nuns healing from abuse
Ancient Ghosts & Green Heart Songs
Songs of Family, Faith, & Heritage
Reflections on What Really Matters
Reflections on the Celtic Christian journey.
Life here is brief, use it to love!