The Celtic Christian Church

Our 2024 Spiritual Ceili
is being held in Columbia, Maryland
Our ceili is our time to gather together from around the country, remembering and honoring our ancestors as we approach Samhain/All Saints/All Souls,
and take time to pray and play together.
We invite you to check our schedule below,
and then join us on Zoom.
Zoom link to our CCC Room: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5136710896?pwd=VnhsSCt2aWxLZ3U0aytVT1ZFdGxBUT09
Weekend Schedule
This schedule is subject to change as the Spirit dictates each day and in each discussion.
Our goal is to be present to one another and any needs that arise among us.
Bring pictures of your loved ones for the All Souls’ Commemoration
Bring a bathing suit if you like. There’s an indoor pool.
CEILI Schedule
Thursday evening: informal gathering at the Victoria Gastropub
9:00 Morning prayer for All Saints led by David Ensley:
Break for coffees, snacks, etc.
10:00 Discussion/workshop on communication led by Tess Englehardt and Jeni Rolan
11:00 Lunch break
1:00 Discussion of dietary issues in regard to the Eucharist led by Peggy O’Connor and the Bernard sisters
Free time— swim, explore Columbia town Center, whatever
5:00 Failte service led by Bishop Cait (0PEN website page here or use PDF)
Gather for evening meal at Victoria Gastropub
9:00 Morning prayerfor All Souls led by David Ensley:
10:00 Talk and workshop on the Spirituality of Praying with Beads led by the Bernard sisters
11:00 Lunch break
1:00 Discussion of Native American Spirituality led by TommyLee Whitlock
2:30 Eucharist celebrated by Maura Bernard​
You can open the liturgy as a PDF or Word Document:
Break until 5:30, then gather for evening meal at VGP
7:00 Thomas Marble and his band of players will present a humorous amusement Then we will party with cake and Champagne to celebrate the ceili and Joe Harrington’s birthday
9:00 Morning prayer led by David Ensley:
10:00 Bishop Cait will lead the critique of the ceili and solicit suggestions for next year
11:00 Eucharistic celebration led by Laurie Harrington.
You can open the page here: HOLY TRINITY EUCHARIST
Safe travels home!