The Celtic Christian Church

To go into the world and share with all people the Good News brought by Jesus Christ -- that our Creator loves us,
and that we are to love God and one another.
CCC News
Come snoop around! This is where we'll announce the most recent additions and links on our web site. If you've visited us before and want to know what's changed, or what our communities are doing take a look here first:
You can also chat with us on FACEBOOK for daily exchanges.
(most recent news items are first)
This year's (2024) Celtic Christian Church gathering, our "spiritual ceili" is being held in Columbia Maryland over the Halloween weekend Oct 31 thru Nov 3. You can read about it here: SPIRITUAL CEILI
LENT 2024
You're invited for Lent to join a conversation about the Sermon on The Mount (Matthew 5-7). We'll meet in Zoom for 6 Tuesdays, beginning on Feb 20th, from 9pm to 10:15pm. The Sermon on the Mount challenges with words and images that have been provoking conversations for generations. Join in! You can contact Ginger for the Zoom Room info: vbabylon@aol.com
We welcome all to our Holy Week Services. CONTACT Rev Laurie Harrington for the Zoom Link to join us!
Click our LITURGY PAGE for links to specific services that you can download.
Schedule of Services
Holy Thursday Eucharist 8 PM Eastern April 6, 2023
Easter Vigil 7 PM Eastern Saturday, April 7, 2023
OUR SPIRITUAL CEILI was held in Harpers Ferry over the weekend of October 28 to 31, 2022.
We had a wonderful weekend together beginning with a clergy day on Friday, then opening the ceili Friday evening to all guests, joining in person or via Zoom, with our traditional Failte Liturgy. The topic for the weekend was "Our Ancestors: Healing the Wounds/Celebrating the Gifts." On Saturday we ordained Melissa Bernard to Minor Orders, and welcomed Rev. Laurie Harrington into the Order of the Merciful Christ. We had a party Saturday evening with music and a comedy skit presented by Fathers Thomas Marble and Will Searfoss: "The Last World Series Report" by Issac Airfreight . Check out the skit here!
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Since COVID has assaulted us all, we have responded by revving up our online presence to be available to those who can only connect with others via the internet. It is far from a perfect option, but it is important to remember that those who reach out to one another via the internet are HUMAN BEINGS, GOD'S BELOVED, and so it becomes HOLY GROUND and how we can love and support one another. To that end this is our current effort to share Good News:
We currently offer the following services live via Zoom or recorded and linked from this website:
Weekly SUNDAY EUCHARIST on Zoom Sundays at 3 PM Eastern.
Spiritual Companionship/Spiritual Direction upon request, by appointment only. Info.
Spiritual Book Group. Thursdays 1PM to 3 PM Eastern. Discussion of books, videos, poetry, song, lectures, etc. which connect with or flow from a Celtic Christian spiritual or theological foundation.
Celtic Track Book Study. Depending upon interest there may be a more formal book study of our Celtic Studies Track on Sunday afternoons. For schedule and location online for these book discussions: Contact for Information.
Survivors of Sexual Abuse Support Group. Contact for Information
Spiritual Reflections on the Scriptures and on Christian Faith (recordings).
Liturgies recordings of liturgies shared by members of our communities.
Chat About Prayer with Rev. Ginger Walsh and Bishop Cait Finnegan-Grenier
For more specific information on days and times of live Zoom groups contact: CelticChristianChurch@gmail.com
June 2, 2019 Deacon Virginia Walsh and Deacon Laurie Harrington will be ordained to the priesthood in Bethpage, NY. The ordination will be broadcast on Zoom. Contact BishopCaitFinnegan@gmail.com for information.
LENT 2019 weekly Lent with Patrick is held live online. Contact for information: Pastor Virginia Walsh: vbabylon@aol.com
February 2019 Seminarian Donald Noska was removed from the seminary formation program of The Celtic Christian Church.
November 3, 2018 Ms Virginia Walsh and Ms Laurie Harrington were tonsured and admitted to the clerical state as they began their seminary training. This took place at our annual spiritual ceili which was held in Allentown, PA .
October 31, 2018 Bishop Katherine Kurtz announced that the new Presiding Bishop of the Celtic Christian Church (CCC) is Bishop Cait Finnegan-Grenier. Many blessings upon her as she takes up this important function.
November 4, 2017 Rev. William Searfoss was ordained a priest at our 2017 General Synod in Bethlehem, PA. Mary Searfoss was acknowledged as Matushka. They now lead the Agape Celtic Christian Community in East Stroudsburg, PA.
November 3, 2017 Mr. Don Noska was tonsured at our 2017 General Synod in Bethlehem, PA, thus officially beginning his Formation Program toward priesthood.
July 16, 2016 in Marshalls Creek, PA, Bishop Katherine Kurtz, accompanied by Bishops Brian Brown, Bernadette Meck, Andrew Fitz-Gibbon, Jane Fitz-Gibbon and William Manseau consecrated Rev. Cait Finnegan-Grenier to the episcopacy, as bishop of St. Ciaran's Jurisdiction. Immediately after, St. Ciaran's Jurisdiction and All Angels Jurisdiction held ordinations. Rev. Kyri Fitz-Simmons, OSM of All Angels, was ordained to priesthood by Bishop Katherine Kurtz, OSM, and Rev. Margaret Chambers, OMC of St. Ciaran's was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Cait Finnegan, OMC. Bishop Cait also ordain Rev William Searfoss, Deborah Jones, and Sheila McCaleb as deacons in St. Ciaran's Jurisdiction.
June 9, 2016. Sr. Margaret Chambers, OMC was ordained to the transitional diaconate by Bishop Bernie Meck at Mary Mother of God Chapel.
May 1, 2016. St. Ciaran's Jurisdiction has elected a bishop, Cait Finnegan-Grenier. She will be consecrated on Saturday, July 16, 2016. In addition to the consecration of their bishop-elect, the jurisdiction will also celebrate the ordination to priesthood of Rev. Margaret Chambers, and ordination to diaconate of Mr. William Searfoss, Sister Sheila McCaleb, OMC, and Ms Deborah Jones.
January 19 2016. We are sad to announce the sudden death of our Presiding Bishop, Joseph A. Grenier. Bishop Grenier died unexpectedly today of viral pneumonia. Please keep his wife, Cait, and his daughter, Rose, and our Church in your prayer.
November 2016. The CCC celebrated its yearly ceili at Mariawald Retreat Center in Reading, PA. Bishop Joseph Grenier ordained Rev. Bonnie Devlin to the priesthood in fulfillmet of a promise made to her bishop, Tom Faulkenbury. Also ordained to minor orders were Mr William Searfoss (Lector), Sr Sheila McCaleb, OMC, Sr. Margaret Chambers, OMC and Ms Deborah Jones (Acolytes).
September 2015. We are happy to announce two new seminarians, Sister Margaret Chambers, and Ms Deborah Jones. Both have moved into St. Ciaran's House of Prayer to spend a year in studies and preparation for orders.
July 2015. We are currently working in collaboration with Christ's Catholic Church and the Order of the Shepherd's Heart to build up Whithorn School of Theology. From Whithorn's website:
"...Whithorn School of Theology (WST) is a spiritual continuation of the tradition of Celtic catholic monks of long ago in the education of women and men in the theology and philosophy of the Christian Faith. WST was established as a seminary of Christ Catholic Church Archdiocese of the Prince of Peace under the auspices of the Order of the Shepherd’s Heart, an ecumenical Celtic catholic religious order. Working together in cooperation with the Celtic Christian Church WST offers itself as an educational ministry for the preparation and training of those who have been called to serve God and Church through ministry and service to others. WST does not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, or theological beliefs. WST is open to all who wish to avail themselves of its educational services..."
Our "2015 Spiritual Ceili" is being planned now. Scheduled for October 30 through November 1, 2015. Our theme for this year is:
"The Charismatic Celtic Christian Church" and will focus on discerning the gifts of the Holy Spirit for our individual lives and ministries as we make life transitions (careers, age, health, etc.), and how best to discern individually and in community. We will begin with our traditional "Failte" service combined with prayer for healing of all wounds from this past year since we last gathered together, and prayer for our own receptivity to God's Grace made manifest in us by the power of God's Spirit during this weekend and as we live our Christian lives today.
If you would like to join us for this weekend contact us quickly as space is limited at this point in time! E-mail CelticChristianChurch@gmail.com for information.
We are delighted to announce that we currently have a few seminarians preparing for priesthood in the Celtic Christian Church:
Mr. William Searfoss of East Stroudsburg
Sr. Sheila McCaleb, OMC of Sebastopol, CA
Bishop Joe has been very involved in updating our CCC Formation Program, and working with our seminarians, as well as working at Whithorn School of Theology as Dean of Academics to create the new M.Div program and the new MA in Celtic Christianity. We believe these two programs will serve Whithorn students well, and the MA in Celtic Christianity will be a distinctive feature of Whithorn as a Celtic Christian school of theology.
Press Releases
These are the press releases we've issued in the past. You may want to search for topics by keyword.
On The Path of the Lord Newsletters
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